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Elizabeth A. McMorrow
Aug 12, 2020
That's a SAR Not a SAR!
In the world of acronyms, nothing is more frustrating than the use of the same acronym for two completely different action items –...
Elizabeth McMorrow
Jun 27, 2020
Does CRS/FATCA Controlling Person Reporting Violate Privacy Law?
Despite the United Kingdom's Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) recent decision, elements of FATCA and CRS reporting may violate...
Elizabeth A. McMorrow
Jan 21, 2020
What is U.S. Privacy Shield Certified?
As a result of the European Union (EU) General Data Protection Regulation’s (GDPR’s) extraterritorial reach, a U.S. business that...
Elizabeth A. McMorrow
Nov 20, 2019
FATCA & Privacy Year End Is Upon Us
Given that the departments usually handling FATCA, CRS and GDPR are swamped with a variety of other year-end tasks, this post may not be...
Elizabeth A. McMorrow
Jul 30, 2019
GDPR: US Trust Companies’ Jaunts to EU
Your exhibition booth has arrived safely to the trust and estate conference in Europe. You have a stack of business cards packed in your...
Elizabeth A. McMorrow
May 23, 2019
GDPR: 1 Year of Non-Compliance
Feeling good about your FATCA compliance? How about GDPR compliance? The European Union (EU) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)...
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